Call for Abstracts
The 24th International Nuclear Graphite Specialists Meeting (INGSM-24) is inviting researchers, industry experts and early career scientists and engineers to join in discussion about ongoing research, challenges, and future directions for the use of graphite and related materials, such as carbon-carbon composites, matrix graphite in nuclear reactors. The meeting will include panel discussions, oral presentations, and poster presentations, covering contributions including modeling, experimental and theoretical studies. We invite abstracts for oral and poster presentations of 200 to 500 words, which can include references and one figure or table, not to exceed one page total.
Topical Areas
- Irradiation damage, in-pile experiments
- Oxidation
- Graphite waste, and graphite assembly and component disassembly and decommissioning
- Use of graphite in molten salt reactors
- Thermo-physical, thermo-chemical, and mechanical properties of graphite
- Microstructure and characterization
- Standards, licensing and graphite qualification
- Physisorption and chemisorption of tritium and other gases in graphite
- Innovations and experience in manufacturing and purification, component and assembly fabrication and installation, and graphite supply chain
- Functional/performance requirements for graphite components
The U.S. Department of Energy and American Carbon Society are generously sponsoring INGSM-24 and supporting activities for students and early career researchers.